I don't feel like it. - Mindset by Pinky

I don’t feel like it.

You are never going to feel like it.

Let’s face it. You are NEVER going to feel like doing things sometimes. Last week I got back from my 3 week holiday and I have struggled to get back into it. I didn’t feel like it…Thankfully I have coaches to push me!If you are anything like me, there are days when you don’t feel like showing up. It’s hard being motivated ALL THE TIME. And as adults, we no longer have teachers, parents or coaches pushing us to do the things that serveus. No one is coming. No one is there to push you, to tell you to turn the TV off, to start that workout, to do the webinar for you…it’s all up to you.Research shows that our feelings decide what we are doing 95% of the time. You don’t feel like going for a run which is your emotional state telling you not to, you don’t feel like calling your client so you put it off, you don’t feel like eating a healthy salad even though you know you need to. There will be ‘off days’ when your energy is zapped and your emotions are low. I get it.It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like it. Stop making EXCUSES! Do it anyway. Guess what? The best writers, the best athletes, the best entrepreneurs don’t just work when they felt like it. They show  You are never going to feel like itLet’s face it. You are NEVER going to feel like doing things sometimes. Last week I got back from my 3 week holiday and I have struggled to get back into it. I didn’t feel like it…Thankfully I have coaches to push me!If you are anything like me, there are days when you don’t feel like showing up. It’s hard being motivated ALL THE TIME. And as adults, we no longer have teachers, parents or coaches pushing us to do the things that serve us.No one is coming.No one is there to push you, to tell you to turn the TV off, to start that workout, to do the webinar for you…it’s all up to you.Research shows that our feelings decide what we are doing 95% of the time. You don’t feel like going for a run which is your emotional state telling you not to, you don’t feel like calling your client so you put it off, you don’t feel like eating a healthy salad even though you know you need to. There will be ‘off days’ when your energy is zapped and your emotions are low. I get it.It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like it. Stop making EXCUSES!Do it anyway. Guess what? The best writers, the best athletes, the best entrepreneurs don’t just work when they felt like it. They show up every single day, no matter what. Instead of speaking the language of lack, making excuses and procrastinating they decide on what they need to do and just do it. Try this daily hack to help you create that killer mindset.The most important part of any task is to START.

If you can’t get motivated in the beginning, then motivation comes after starting and creating a FLOW. Here’s why…When you are unmotivated, what is your body language like? Like a slumped blob on a sofa that doesn’t want to move which is linked to the lack of movement and lack of energy. Sound familiar? And when you are motivated your body language is the opposite- engaged, moving and it’s likely that you feel more energised. For example, when you dance, it’s impossible not to feel vibrant and awake. So get some movement into your body and ACT LIKE IT. Whatever it might be, yoga, pilates, stretching or dancing. Once you start, you will be glad you did it. If you build in a small daily routine then you will feel motivated to overcome the battles that you face and continue your journey to greatness even when you don’t feel like it. Whatever it is, start small!

Pinky x


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Break the Bias

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