Own your thinking - Mindset by Pinky

Own your thinking

Have you ever noticed that voice in your head?

Just when you are about to ‘go for it’ and step out of your comfort zone, you hear it.

That voice.

You are finally doing something that you are excited about and the sneaky little voice comes from nowhere and stops you in your tracks.

The one that says things like:
Are you sure about this?
Are you good enough?
You will be bad at it anyway so why bother?
What if you fail?
And what will people say?

I used to let the voice take over my life, which is why it took me so long to go from my life sucking, happiness killing 9-5 to my dream life. My passion. My purpose.
Take it from me, I have been there too. I chose to change my life and I will help you get unstuck quicker than me and struggle less than I did.
If you have experienced any of the above voices, I have good news.

Why struggle and continue to accept your life as it is when you can do something about it?

Own your thinking. Upgrade it.

It’s time to take control.
It’s time to take charge.
It’s time to talk back.
Yes, talk back to your voice.

The voice that:
Holds you back and limits you
Keeps you stuck in a rut
Stops you from moving forwards
Self sabotaging your dreams
Makes you wait until the time is perfect
Keeps you living in fear

So what are you waiting for? There are ONLY 31 days until the end of 2018! I know…
If you keep doing the same stuff then you will live the same way. Believe me, I know, I have been there.

As soon as you start, something holds you back. You can’t begin because of self doubt. You are too afraid to move forward because you think you are a failure or you are worried you might fail.

Well all of us, have at some point in our lives, struggled with self doubt. There is only ONE difference between you and someone who appears to have it all together…


Change your belief, change your life.

Here are 3 things you can do daily to help you create that killer mindset.

Get support

Before you know it you are spiralling in an endless cycle of negativity and self doubt.
Get help! Start 2019 and make it your best year yet!

Share the thought with someone because it sheds light on the thought and the person you share it with can reflect their truth back to you. This brings it into perspective and brings awareness to evaluate whether your thought is fact or not.
Live in the moment

Slow down and pay attention to the voices otherwise, you will run on autopilot. Your brain loves to do that! When you go into slow-mo’ you get to decide who is making the decisions. Notice the real you, not the little voice.

These inner voices are detrimental as they can change your belief.
So live in a positive and abundant belief about who you are.

Take control and slow down. Watch the change in your life- financially and emotionally.

Self doubt is BS

Research shows that our feelings decide what we are doing 95% of the time.

You don’t feel like going for a run which is your emotional state telling you not to, you don’t feel like calling your client, you don’t feel like eating a healthy salad even though you know you need to.

Instead of speaking the language of fear and defeat, speak the language of opportunity over everything.
Challenge every negative thought. Really? Is that a thought or a fact?
To overcome this language of negative feeling, STOP thinking about it so much. Just decide and don’t hesitate.
Stop overthinking the shit out of everything!

Train your brain to make logical decisions rather than relying on your feelings.
You will eliminate self doubt in no time.

Make yourself visible and don’t let fear hold you back. Maybe you want to create an impact, like me and you want support to make it happen. All you have to do is get in touch.

Pinky x

For more inspiration, blogs and mindset hacks click my logo at the top. You may have seen my vlogs and FB lives if you haven’t then click here to watch them!

Want to chat? hello@bypinky.com

If you want to Create your Killer Mindset click here to book a free 30-minute discovery session online.

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If you want to create your killer mindset contact to book a free 30-minute discovery session online.

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