It’s here, that time of year when you look back and decide whether or not you ‘made it,’ if you ‘achieved your goals’ and if you ‘have got there.’
Have you?
Can you honestly look back at 2019 and say to yourself that you have stepped up and achieved your goals?
You see, your time is precious. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. You can’t get it back. And if you reading this and thinking, ‘I need to step out of my comfort zone and make it happen’ then you are in the right mindset and way ahead of someone who isn’t even trying.
Your time is the most valuable thing you have.
The sooner you stop holding yourself back and limiting yourself, the sooner you get out of your own way and start achieving your goals.
Here are 3 things you can let go of to make your 2020 better than 2019.
1. Don’t beat yourself up
If you think ‘should have’ done that or fill your mind with regrets, don’t be too hard on yourself. It can hold you back from achieving your goals for the future. You still have time to create your goals and your vision. You can even attend vision board and visualisation workshops in your area, like the one I am hosting tomorrow. Find out more here.
2. You believe that you won’t be successful
Your mindset plays a HUGE part in what you can achieve and your success- whatever that means for you. You know that already, don’t you?
‘If you think you can or you can’t, you are right’- Henry Ford
3. Cut out the negative people in your life
I am talking about social media. If you follow people who upset you, anger you or make you feel jealous- unfollow them. You have the power to control who you see and don’t see. This applies to your friends and family too, proximity is power. The more time you spend with people who build you up and encourage you and fan your flames, the more likely you are to be successful. FACT.
What would you rather have in 2020?
Risk holding yourself back and falling into the same habit as last year OR start the year with excitement as the new year unfolds and create your killer mindset to finish the year STRONG!
I have created a 4 programme just for you which will help you get unstuck in your career. Stop holding yourself back and give you the tools and strategies to PLAY BIGGER in 2020. Find out more here.
Anything is possible if you stop limiting yourself.